How the Economics of Happiness came to Worthington

The internationally acclaimed film, the Economics of Happiness is coming to the McConnell Arts Center in Worthington. The film was written, produced and directed by Helena Norberg-Hodge– a linguist, writer and activist  who is a pioneer of the localization movement.

Last  fall,  Carol Fisher was part of an anti-fracking demonstration in Washington D.C..  At that rally, Bill McKibben of made a deeply emotional, heartfelt appeal that everyone go home and move awareness of climate change and the impact of globalization to the very top of our advocacy efforts—saying that unless more people become aware and act  – all of our efforts will be irrelevant. Here are Carol’s own words:

I returned home reflecting on his appeal.  It just happened that through Simply Living I saw The Economics of Happiness for the first time. This film is strikingly produced.  Helena Norberg-Hodge’s experiences in Ladakh, Tibet serve as the narrative woven through the film which ‘connects the dots’ between globalization and the acute problems pervading society- and the feeling of powerlessness in the face of its massive influence- and then showing clearly how we can respond. The film was five years in the making, includes voices from 6 continents, and has won numerous international awards.

 It’s realistic assessment of the impact of globalization on our world—and then its laying out of a path for returning life to our systems, through the growing worldwide Localization Movement, struck a deeply resonant place in me which led to the idea that Simply Living could facilitate showing this film to as many others as possible.  We could develop a common literacy about what we are facing, and as a community be energized  to see the clear, life affirming  actions we can take now.

So with Simply Living’s support, we embarked on a path to facilitate showings—wherever there was interest–whether in living rooms, church halls, or community locations. 

 Members of Sustainable Worthington came to a showing at our home.  From that showing came the strong call that we act on the impetus of this film—  How about showing it at the MAC? (McConnell Arts Center)

 Several members were willing to work on this and with the assistance of the MAC’s Andy Herron, we took a leap and reserved their theatre.  With that step,  we became committed—

 The idea emerged to ask merchants to contribute to raffle baskets.   Then came the idea to have representatives of sustainability groups on hand—and then—The International Society for Ecology and Culture- which handles arrangements for the film- offered their assistance in connecting us  with Helena Norberg-Hodge during the evening’s Q&A time.

So that’s the story of an idea that became an action, one that is now poised to impact our community. Your help is needed though to make it come to life. Check out this exciting event on Facebook and share with your friends and colleagues. Download and share the Economics of Happiness event flyer.

Contact Carol Fisher <> or Elaine Buhrlage <> if you have questions.