Breaking the Chains: Rise of the Local Economy Movement

Oron Benary of Brothers Drake Meadery

Join the local economy movement in Columbus at Comfest!

Find out how Main Street social entrepreneurs are challenging business as usual on Wall Street. Learn how localization is emerging as the “green” alternative to economic globalization. A panel of Columbus business owners and visionaries will explain how their work is leading the way to a new economy that is rooted in our community.

Confirmed panelists include Oron Benary, owner of Brothers Drake Meadery and Bar, and Wolf Starr, co-founder of SBB, with a membership of 500 local, independent businesses.  Sponsored by SOLE, the Support Our Local Economy Coalition and Think Columbus First campaign. Chuck Lynd, Chair of the SOLE Coalition will provide introductions and moderate the Q&A.  Join us Sunday, June 24, 11 am at the Solar Stage.

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Think Columbus First and SOLE Coalition will be at Comfest, along with partner organizations: SBB, ECDI, and Simply Living.

Comfest 2012 will be held on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, June 22, 23, & 24. More info at