Veggie Van Serves Northland Community

Scott O. Dowling is the Co-Chair of the North Side Health Advisory Committee. He can be reached at 614-398-0656,
The Veggie Van is a program that was designed by Local Matters to serve communities in need who have little or no access to healthful food and who have limited resources.

Ultimate BLT and Fries

I know what you might be thinking: “Why is the Veggie Van Guy talking about BLT’s and Fries? That hardly sounds like a ‘healthy life style choice’!”

Well, allow me to explain: While I love fresh fruit and vegetables (thanks in no small part to the Veggie Van); I am by no means a vegetarian. So, one of my all-time favorite sandwiches is the Classic BLT (Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato). The other night we had BLT’s and Sweet Potato Fries for dinner…I was in gastronomic heaven!

The tomatoes and sweet potatoes came from the Veggie Van, and the Bacon came from Oink Moo Cluck Farms*. The bread was courtesy of my lovely wife Heidi’s baking skills! (That’s right, eat your hearts out gentlemen: Beauty, brains, and she bakes too!) If you aren’t married to a baker, I suggest any whole grain bread…there are plenty of good ones to chose from at the market.

You can make rough cut sweet potato fries right on the grill: Just coat them with your favorite low-fat oil of choice and seal them up in some aluminum foil. Don’t set the heat too high. They should take about 20 minutes, maybe less…you’ll have to keep half an eye on them, but it is so worth it!

Now, it just so happens that we have tomatoes and sweet potatoes again in this week’s veggie bag. Coincidence? I think not!

So there you have it. You can have your occasional BLT (and fries), and enjoy it in a healthy, tasty way.

The great folks at Local Matters have one of the best deals going for busy people like you: They provide a bag with a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, and other items each week and a recipe showing how to prepare them. You can even sample the finished dish at the same time you pick up your order! Where else are you going to get a deal like this for just $15.00 a bag? If you want to know what’s in THIS week’s bag, check out the Veggie Van Newsletter Sept_10_2012.

All orders have to be placed a week ahead of time. This way, the Local Matters people can put everything together and bring enough bags for everyone who wants one. So, if you wish to pick up an order on Thursday, September 20th; all you have to do is call 614-398-0656 and follow the easy instructions. Please don’t wait until the last minute though…I can only listen and type so fast!

Please see the Veggie Van FLYER-YMCA (PDF) .We look forward to seeing you each week at the YMCA North, every Thursday between 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM.

If you have more questions about the Veggie Van Program, or anything else about the Local Matters organization; please call them directly at 614-263-5662, or visit their website at:

*check out Oink Moo Cluck at